
Your advice for hot forming technology & project management

Your advice for thermoforming technology & project-management

about us about us
Sometimes you just need a view from the outside to solve a task sustainably and holistically. That is exactly what we are here for.
The market share of hot formed car body components has increased steadily and significantly in recent years. In order to remain competitive as a manufacturer, customer or supplier for hot forming companies in the future, you have to set the right course now, be it to expand your lead, to join the market leaders or to find your way in a new industry.
The challenges do not only come from the constant  development of the technology, the competitive situation and the market itself. The shortage of skilled workers and the megatrend of digitization in industrial companies make it necessary to prepare yourself correctly now and to get fit for the future.
Let's do it together!

"I would do everything again the way I did. With one exception: I would look for better advisors earlier. ”
Aristotle Onassis,
Greek shipowner

Why shold you get to knowTechAdvision?

Find out why we are the right choice for your company.

Digitization is knocking
also to your factory gate!

Anyone who underestimates the megatrend of our time will not be successful in the long run - even if you are not concerned with the topic today. Set the course for the future now and steer your company in the right direction.

Skills shortage? With us you will generate your own!

Invest now in the training of your employees in order to retain them, to bring your manufacturing and business processes forward and to overcome stormy times.

TechAdvision helps to bring your company forward!

We combine many years of industry experience with well-founded training and responsible action. We guarantee furthermore a fair and transparent pricing and reliable service.
Let us advise you in the planning and implementation of your hot forming production and benefit from our many years of practical experience in industrialization.
project management
Whether classic, agile or hybrid methods. Get the most out of both worlds and get advice on the latest tools and applications.
Processes and organizational development
Business processes in the automotive sector are actually clearly regulated - but the practical implementation is ofthen a problem. We support you in the ISO and VDA-compliant design of your process landscape and advise you in the effective setup of your organization.
Education & training
In addition to the necessary technical expertise, we provide many years of field-proven experience in adult education. We impart specialist knowledge in the areas of hot forming, project management and process development on a level and practical basis.

Together we will make your industrial company fit for digital change.

Together we will make your industrial company fit for digital change.

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